Page 8 - İSGOLD
P. 8
Membersh ps
Member of the Istan- Membersh p
bul Stock Exchange
w th the Respon-
ISGOLD started to be l sted n the
L st of Ref ner es at the Istanbul s ble Jewelry
Stock Exchange (BİAŞ) as of De-
cember 2021, and thus became one Counc l (RCJ)
of the refiner es that are a member
of the Istanbul Stock Exchange.
As a member of the Respons ble
Jewelry Counc l (RCJ), İSGOLD
pledges to manufacture n comp-
l ance w th the respect ve RCJ
pract ces n the fields of:
Prec ous Metals - Eth cs and human r ghts
Intermed ary - Env ronmental respons b l ty
Inst tut on - Soc al ssues
- F ght aga nst the financ ng of
As of 11.02.2019, we have been terror sm
ent tled to be ncluded n the - Prevent on of ch ld employment
Prec ous Metals Intermed ary under bad cond t ons
Inst tut on l st. - Ant -money launder ng
8 www.