Responsible Gold Supply Chain

Responsible sourcing is vital for the sustainable success of our industry and the sustainable development of the countries from which the raw materials are sourced.

At ISGOLD, our top priority is transparency, and we apply the strictest traceability standards in line with all Responsible Sourcing processes. These include standards and guidelines such as the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas, the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Gold, the LBMA Responsible Gold and Silver Guidance, the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) Code of Practices and Chain of Custody, the World Gold Council’s “Conflict-Free Gold Standard,” MASAK regulations, and the BIST Precious Metals Responsible Sourcing Chain Compliance Guide.

In order to comply with these standards, we conduct comprehensive due diligence practices to identify our business partners. These practices include risk assessments covering crimes related to white-collar activities such as money laundering, as well as human rights-related risks concerning labor conditions and child labor.

Our due diligence practices are not limited to the first party we engage with and, when necessary, extend to multiple levels throughout the supply chain, including the source of the precious metals. We aim to go beyond compliance-based due diligence and continually review and improve our compliance systems, procedures, and third-party assessments as part of our continuous improvement processes.

We have a documentary-based traceability system for all our products, and audits of our practices are regularly conducted by third parties. Additionally, we perform on-site visits and “spot checks” to assess and verify the responsible practices of our counterparties.